It is no surprise that 42 .5% of carriers we surveyed stated that automation capabilities were the key investment priority over the next 12 months, when the research also shows that the carriers making meaningful investments in technology are experiencing reduced operating costs, greater customer satisfaction and higher profits.
On August 25th, 10am EST Reuters Events and Blue Prism Cloud will be speaking with Claire Burns (CMO and Chief Strategy Officer, Prudential) Jennifer Daniel (Vice President Premier Technology Partnerships, Aflac) and Robert G. Taylor (VP Senior Corporate Counsel - Liberty Mutual Insurance) to discuss how their automation journey has taken shape and their key considerations for building a robust and secure programme.
It is widely accepted that the insurance industry was among the first wave of early adopters leveraging the power of digital labour and automation. Over a decade later, the market is still out ahead and shows no signs of slowing down.
Automation is a trusted and powerful solution within the industry. Reuters Events and Blue Prism Cloud will be speaking with Prudential, Aflac and Liberty Mutual to discuss how their automation journey has taken shape and their key considerations for building a robust and secure programme.
Sign up for this webinar to access actionable insights on how to kickstart and develop your automation strategy. Discover the strategies needed to:
• Implement at pace and deliver fast and steady ROI: Uncover how to leverage innovative and connected technologies to deliver greater business impact across your organization
• Scale your Digital Workforce to produce results across your organization: Discover how to redefine the blend of human and technology customer services and find optimal efficiency
• Evolve your automation strategy from reactive to proactive: Learn how to modernize your innovation strategy to achieve leadership status and gain your competitive advantage
Register today for this free virtual offering and take advantage of the opportunity to transform your automation strategy and reap the benefits of fast product innovation, customer growth and innovative leadership.
This webinar is being run in association with Reuters Events Insurance AI and Innovative Tech Virtual USA. For more information, please visit the website or get in touch with a member of the Reuters Events Insurance team.
More information can be found on the website https://events.insurancenexus.com/analyticsusa/
Ira Sopic
Global Project Director | Reuters Events
T: + 44 (0) 207 422 4363